"I love how reliable this product is. I have been thankful for this product while hiking, boating and living life."
- Mia, US
See Mia's full review at
Had it with worrying about dropping your phone? Look no further than the Octo-Grip! The smartphone/tablet hand grip accessory with a natural glove-like grip.
This ergonomic smartphone/tablet accessory adapts to the shape and position of your hand on the fly, maintianing a comfortable secure grip on your hand as you use your phone.
The Octo-Grip’s low-profile shape is designed to nestle in the palm of your hand, making it easy to hold on to even when you’re not using it in grip mode.
And with its collapsible self-closing design and tapered top plate, you can rest assured that your phone won’t snag while being pocketed or put away.
When you’re ready to put your phone away, simply flick your wrist or tap the top plate to collapse and lock it into its user-friendly low-profile shape.
With the Octo-Grip, you can enjoy a secure hand grip on your phone with the peace of mind that comes with knowing your phone is protected from falls, drops, knocks, or snatches.
Don’t wait any longer to get your hands on the must-have, easy-to-use, hand grip accessory for any savvy smartphone user - the Octo-Grip!
"I love these octo grips they make holding my phone so much easier."
- Amber, US
To rock your own OctoGrip Smart Device hand grip click on the link below and place your order.
It should arrive in several days via First Class or Priority Mail.
Every Octo-Grip comes with a
90 day "No Questions Asked"
Return policy
and a
3 Year LImited Product Warranty.
Click here to learn more
Sure to open and close thousands of times, without wear and tear, the ultra comfortable Octo-Grip hand grip is likely to last well past your next phone upgrade.
Its a high strength and versatile hand grip device made from injection molded polycarbonate/ABS, with a tensile strength rated at over 300,000 Psi, over-molded in flexible and durable elastomer with living hinges rated at tensile strength of almost 600 Psi.
Collapsible & self-closing, Octo-Grip provides the most comfortable way to hold your phone without "holding on" to your phone. Never worry about dropping your phone ever again with the Octo-Grip hand grip accessory.
Order yours today!